Hugh Grant and Haley Bennett in "Music and Lyrics." 

Haley Bennett has just signed on to star in Music and Lyrics By, a film about a lyrics writer and a music writer-performer whose collaboration takes a romantic turn. Haley will star opposite the lead, Hugh Grant. Drew Barrymore will co-star in the film. Haley begins shooting March 27th in New York

Haley Bennett (Cora Corman) makes her feature film debut in “Music and Lyrics.” In addition, Bennett is in the process of recording her first album, under the direction of producer Chris Contogouris. 

Bennett was born in Fort Myers, Florida and grew up in Naples where she studied both music and acting. In 2005, she came to Los Angeles with her mother to pursue her career. Soon after, Bennett landed the role of Cora Corman, beating out dozens of other hopefuls for the part.

Haley Bennett與Hugh Grant一同演唱了電影中的主打情歌"Way Back Into Love",青澀明亮的聲音令人心動;此外,Haley在電影中的另一首性感歌曲''Buddha's Delight"也相當好聽,令人印象相當深刻。看到她的五官就覺得是有東方混血的feel,把pop star的心理及辛酸演活,臉部的表情也相當逗趣深入,有令人難以接近卻有一股強烈吸引的魅力,再加上片中印度風的歌曲搭配,整個人的氣質就是火辣辣啊。hot~
雖然電影很芭樂,但是看到美女也值得了,而且原來Hugh Grant唱歌還不錯聽,片末二人的對唱畫面真是相當協調。I like it!

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